Lemari Asam-Fume Hood Stainless Steel, Spesifikasi : Stainless steel 304 grade, meja kerja lemari asam Phenolic Resin tebal 13mm, dinding dalam non logam epoxy resin coating/fiber
Lemari Asam-Fume Hood Multiplex lapis HPL, Spesifikasi : Multiplex 15,12,9mm lapis HPL, meja kerja lemari asam Phenolic Resin tebal 13mm, dinding dalam HPL, Epoxy Resin
Lemari Asam-Fume hood ukuran 1250x900x2400mm, 1550x900x2400mm, steel structure top table Trespa Phenolic 16mm, inside wall finish phenolic 4mm, ouside wall steel finish epoxy powder coating 1 set flourescent lamp dust proff (1x20W) blower chemical resistance PVC casting, motor 0,5HP, include magnetic switch on off, 2 pcs electric socket ex Legrand, Accessories 1 set water fitting 3 outlet ex import, 1 set PP sink + bottle trap size : 560x428x260 (d) mm ex import, 1 set automatic sash controller include sensor pintu, sensor kepala & controller, 1 set ducting pvc 8 inchi
Keunggulan Prosafeaire-Lemari Asam-Fume Hood
- Desain Ergonomis
- Akses kontrol bagian lemari asam-Fume Hood
- Top table sesuai permintaan :
Stainsless Steel Type 316 Low Carbon (Acid & Chemical Resistant)
Phenolic Resin 12mm (Acid & Chemical Resistant)FUME HOOD LOKAL
Granite ketebalan 16-18mm Jual Lemari Asam, fume hood lokal, lemari asam
Epoxy resin worktable Jual Lemari Asam lokal, ruang asam,fume hood lokal
- Dinding dalam tahan Api dan Tahan Kimia
- Aliran Udara Optimal
- Sistem Bongkar Pasang
- 90% Komponen Lokal
- Fungsi Maksimal
- Bahan Kualitas Terpilih
- Pilihan Ukuran dan Warna
Untuk Pemesanan pembuatan lemari asam-Fume Hood, Silahkan menghubungi kami :
[HP/WA/SMS : 082112650646 (Simpati)]
E-mail : lemariasam@yahoo.com
LEMARI ASAM FHS-1200 - Table Prosafeai
LEMARI ASAM ini di desain untuk kemudahan dan kenyamanan dalam penggunaannya. dilengkapi dengan 6 akses kontrol, memudahkan perawatan dan penambahan fitur-fitur yang diinginkan. Aliran udara yang didesain optimal sehingga udara didalam fume hood/lemari asam tidak akan mengalir keluar ruangan lemari asam. Knock Down system untuk memudahkan pengiriman, pengepakan, dan keamanan produk sampai ke lokasi tujuan. Sebagian besar komponen lokal sehingga untuk perawatan dan penambahan fitur-fitur dapat segera dilakukan. Menggunakan bahan-bahan terpilih yang dijamin kualitasnya dan tersedia beberapa pilihan ukuran, warna dan fitur-fitur yang dapat disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan pengguna. Pilihan konstruksi lemari asam yang dapat disesuaikan dengan anggaran : Lemari Asam Multiplex dan Lemari Asam Stainless Steel Laboratory fume hoods are a type of ventilation system with the primary function to
exhaust chemical fumes, vapors, gasses, dust, mist and aerosol. Fume hoods also serve as
physical barriers between reactions and the laboratory, offering a measure of protection
against inhalation exposure, chemical spills, run-away reactions and fires.
A typical fume hood has a box like structure with a moveable sash window. Experimental
procedures are performed within the hood which is consistently and safely ventilated,
usually by means of an extract blower and ductwork. Chemical fumes are exhausted
and diluted many times over in the atmosphere and have a negligible effect on human
health. When environment concerns are of importance, an extract treatment system,
often referred to as a scrubber is installed to remove most of the vapors from the exhaust
air stream.
The hood functions by maintaining a relatively negative pressure in the interior of the
hood to prevent any contaminant from escaping while drawing air in through the hood
opening at a consistent rate. A suitable hood face velocity (the speed at which air is
drawn into the hood) is of importance to the safe and effective operation of a fume hood.
While excessive face velocities can often result in turbulence and reduce containment,
insufficient velocities can also compromise hood performance. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Produk2 kami selain Lemari Asam, jual meja laboratorium (Flammable cabinet, scrubber lemari asam, Storage Acid Cabinet,Laminar air flow dll)
FUME HOOD LOKAL,JUAL LEMARI ASAM,jual lemari asam, fume hood lokal di indonesia
.:: Workshop : Jl. Vini Vidi Vici, RT.9/RW.8, Klp. Dua Wetan, Kec. Ciracas, Kota Jakarta Timur, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 13730 |
Lemari Asam - Fume Hood - Laminar Air Flow - Bio Safety Cabinet - Storage Flammable-Acid cabinet - Passbox - Wet Scrubber Lemari Asam HP/WA : 082112650646 (Saedi) |
E-mail : lemariasam@yahoo.com |
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